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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2017

Ditulis selagi menunggu rapat BEM

Dulu, disentil aku sakit dicubit aku meringis ditampar aku meraung-raung  lalu, waktu mengajakku melalang buana didamparkannya aku sembarang tempat kakiku gemetaran,  tanganku tak tau mau meraih siapa ku pelajari langit-langit  mencari titik dimana aku berasal aku panik namun, terus ku dikte otakku untuk selalu gembira namun sayang, aku bukan Buddha  mengumpat menjadi wajar meneteskan air mata terlampau sering  lama-lama aku sadar,  aku tak mau selamanya jadi lembek dan lemah aku adalah benteng untuk diriku sendiri aku percaya semesta menitipkan hall besar untuk jiwa besar untuk pribadi tangguh aku merasakan karena aku terpilih silahkan, uji aku jadi baja aku mau ditempah aku membuka diri untuk diasah  Yogyakarta, 15 Desember 2017 pict source :


Growing as a fighter Shaped to be an eunoia Blessed by the universe Words are prayer Everytime you call my name, You pray for me, As strong as a steel Shaped to be an eunoia Call me as a teak       pict source : tumblr 


December, 2002 There was a saga’ tree in front of my grandma's house; lush and a lot of red saga’s seeds scattered underneath From a far this house looked like a Nirmala’s house, and I imagined myself as a dwarf , looking for the treasure Every morning, my grandma played the piano from a church hymn; and humming for herself, the melody sneaking into the vent of my room as an alarm for me wake up to the school I prefer to enjoy the piano keys that she played, Rather than fronded by her, because her stony eyes created the barrier   December, 2015 I came back there, no more a church hymn Just the sound of television echoed so strongly to the entire room, and she sat in the rocking chair with empty eyes I wanted to hug her, but the fortress has not collapsed   Car rusted in the garage   The floor was colder   And our family photos being mossy   The house was getting old , as I saw her wrinkles were getting more December,2017 I doubt, shoul