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A Good Daughter

A Good Daughter
Jati Theresia Moranca Siregar

My birth was their prayer. Vater said I was a Doyenne, Mutter said I was a Lilium Casa Blanca.
Mutter was a beautiful soul that watered me to be a good lady. She always took good care my hair before I got sleep and huged me warmly. She taught me how to be grateful even though we never had a salmon as our lunch or turkey as our diner. 
Vater was a knight that ordered me to be a strong as steel. He taught me to dance in the rain and screamed against the sound of thunder. I was a free man, he said.
I grew like a flower that was treating with different types of fertilizers, I absorbed that all and happy to had been treated. I knew they loved me and I loved them so much more.
My age was already 25 years old, and now we were 990.5 km apart, so here I grew as a flower that they asked.
I used my lipstick and inlaid a power on my face, I stopped when I saw darkness around my eyes.You are tired, dear, said I. Polishing thicker powder was my habit in order to cover my puffy eyes. Then, I  positioned myself in front of the miror and fastened to use the pearl earrings.
A tan skin man with his dark eyes that wearing a white shirt was sitting in the corner of. “Hmm.. what a successful young man” I thought.
“Finally, you come,he greeted with a smile.
“Have you waiting me for a long time, dear?’’
It’s okay since it is you, the famous and elegant woman.”
I did not care with his words that were how they always opened the conversation.
“As a young successful man, you are brave enough to meet me. Hmm…but, wait! Success? Or maybe just skilled to fold taxes?”
He looked at my face and I knew that he was offended, and then he leaned his body toward me.
“Is it that kind of men who always come to you?” said he while he was pouring some white wine and handing me a glass. “Do you know, dear, how many men that dreamed about this? Sitting together with a gladiolus woman like you.”
“And I still feel silly, whenever I meet people like you.”
“But, you still do this?”
“Damaged economic order, making social alignment, and we just controlled under the steering of person like you. Shouting for a demo is no longer working. So what's wrong if I trying to infiltrate, become a guerrilla?”
He laughed out loud. “How a brave woman you are!” he said then shaking his head and holding back a laugh. For this time, this stupid guy was right. Yes. I was a brave woman!
Veter asked me to be a free man and Mutter asked me to be an elegant. In this way, I feel both. “Stop being idealistic. We live and we need money. Don’t be a woman that doesn't know where to go, but try to still in your way just because you want it. This is the place for fighting we need to choose a path.” Those were words that Mutter often said whenever she became chafed to Veter that always tried to evoking the rebel and activist in me.
While Vuter always kissed my forehead and said Morgan Freeman's quote to my ears “People will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving”
I saw the bunch in front of me, looked impatient, and then he wrapped his hands around my waist. I immediately prevented, then whispered in his ear:
“This is an expensive transaction, guy. Eine million per hour


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